United Way of Central Indiana

Welcome to the 2016 United Way pledge portal for Company XYZ!

This is the area in which we can place custom text when provided by the company.  You'll see that the standard UWCI messaging is further down, below the three images. In cases that a company does not provide a custom message, the standard UWCI messaging will move into this section and the three images will be the last thing on the page.

We hope you enjoy going through the pledge process. You'll notice a handful of changes. Please make note of any bugs or items you would like changed. Thank you for your support!

Matt Cooper & Julie Kolner


Make your moment matter. Your gift provides new opportunities.

Success is built off of a strong foundation. For United Way of Central Indiana, you are the foundation that improves the lives of our neighbors and builds a better community. When you are inspired to give to United Way, you’re helping a child get a quality education, a mother find stable employment, a father maintain a healthy lifestyle and a family stay off the streets.

Click to Give Now

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